Monday, 8 October 2007

Creates beautifully upswept lashes easily, expertly. Wide or narrow head (perfect for touch ups).
This is how I wanted my eyelashes to be like. Thinking that Revlon, being a top name for cosmetics, would have designed and made a good working product, I was actually proved wrong.
I waited 5 minutes for the gadget to warm up, took it to my eye and held it there for the time it stated. As I released the curler from my eye, I was shocked that my eyelashes were poker straight and not the “beautifully upswept lashes” that I was after. Applying the heat again for longer, still no difference. After paying £9.50 for this product I was not happy and actually took the product back to the shop where I asked for a full refund. I have now invested in a £2.00 pair of metal eye lash curlers that doesn’t have a high class name which in fact, over curls the lashes and works a lot better than a heated pair. Following what it said on the packaging, choosing it for the name and price is what I went for. I definitely wouldn’t recommend this product as its form doesn’t follow its function.


Tech Team said...
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Tech Team said...

You fell into the trap aswell then Char. Not that i have bought many sets of eyelash curlers, but i have bought products based on the name. The power of brand advertising is hard to resist at time.
A nicley written piece with well made points, however you might want to read your own work through before you hand it in. A couple of the sentences were a bit suspect "this is how i wanted my eyelashes to be like"?

Wardy said...

i dont like the cicles! haha